Baby Portraits

Baby feet

I absolutely LOVE Baby Portraits.  They grow so fast and in the blink of an eye they are two years old and talking.  In another blink, they are off to school, then graduating and leaving for college.

If your considering taking Baby Portraits here are a few tips that you should know before you step in front of the camera with me.

One, if you want that little sleepy bundle look where you can mold your baby into anything you want you have about 10 days to do it.  Babies can loose that ” newborn curl” within about 10 days after they are born.  10 DAYS!  I find the first 3-5 are ideal.  Plan ahead if you can so we can be on call to get you in the books and capture that sweet newborn baby moment.

The day of the shoot bring your baby sleepy.  New borns usually sleep a lot so it’s easier.  After 10 days this might be a little more challenging but you might have a schedule by then.

Have your outfits, shoes and something easy to slip on and off your baby for undisturbed changing ready.  Bring your favorite baby toys for when they are awake and plenty of baby wipes for baby accidents because they are bound to happen!

Pick 3-5 five outfits.  Don’t go overboard with all crazy cute baby outfits you have.  Remember we are capturing the essence of your baby…not their clothes!

If you are interested in capturing your child or are pregnant and want more information please contact us at:

or call:

usa 612 886 8135

mx 011521 984 127 1968

To see more “OH BABY” ideas go to



